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Our Campus

Support local businesses and initiatives!

Student Farm

The UMass Student Farm program 10 acres of land. CSA is a crop share program through UMass' Student Farm that provides students with local, organic produce.

People's Market

People's Market is a student run co-op that serves the UMass community with ethically-gathered food and coffee.  Their mission is "to create a radically just, more equitable world."

Earth Foods

Earth Foods is a student run co-op located in The Hatch in the Student Union.  Their mission is to "provide low-cost, healthy, vegetarian, and vegan meals to UMass students and faculty as well as members of surrounding communities."  They also focus on being socially and environmentally conscious.

UMass Permaculture

The Permaculture gardens at UMass are part of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Initiative on Campus.  The gardens offer students a hands-on, educational opportunity to interact with local food systems and the environments.

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